World Cup and soccer players’ patience

Soccer ball

I have been watching a lot of soccer this week with the World Cup games.

Watching the players patiently apply their skills, forward thinking, but applying an amazing moment to moment concentration makes me think about some of the practice in Buddhist meditation where essentially a person is patiently concentrating and staying in the moment.

Wikipedia says patience “the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.”

“In Buddhism, patience is one of the “perfections” that a bodhisattva trains in and practices to realize perfect enlightenment. In both Hinduism and Buddhism there is a particular emphasis on meditation, aspects of which lead to a natural state of mindfulness that is conducive to patient, effective and well-organised thought.”

So, I am enjoying watching the practive of patience of the World Cup players [of course you also see the frustrations some players will experience] as they work to achieve their goals.

Life with the glass half full

I like to find ways to practice optimism and happened across this cool web site called

On a web site page devoted to the power of a positive attitude, Remez Sasson provides good words for applying a positive approach including: constructive thinking, creative thinking and expecting success. Visit this page for more ideas.

Lotus flower

Sasson says, … inner work, concentration, meditation and spiritual growth, as well as self-improvement and creative visualization can be practiced everywhere, not only in secluded and quiet places.” No doubt this fits into the practice of Buddhism and other approaches to compassion in the world.

You can find a lot out there about thinking positively, so find something you can connect with and go for it!

Asserting yourself: criticism vs positivity

It is interesting to look at management styles and see what gains the most respect. A lot of time and money is spent on figuring this out.

Smiling is good for you!

In a new blog by Russell Bishop on Huffington Post, he asks “Do you have the ability to look at a situation and instead see what’s wrong with it? Perhaps you have the ability to look at something and see how it could be improved? Same ability, really. If you have the ability to perceive what’s wrong or to identify what would make something better, then you may possess the ability some would call “discernment.” … Do you find yourself in rather frequent bouts of criticism? Do you criticize how others think?

Check out his ideas.

Travels of the Dalai Lama for the greater good

I take a look at the Dalai Lama‘s activities now and then, and I am amazed at his schedule and his energy for talking about Buddhism’s role in the world.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Regarding his visit to Japan this week he said,  “Japanese Buddhist practitioners should engage in dialogues with scientists to explore areas where science and religion can find a common ground in understanding universal values like compassion and kindness. In the last few years, secular dialogues between Tibetan Buddhists and Western scientists have attracted attention to the role of meditation in creating balance between mind and body.”

His approach to understanding in the world in a simple message, “Whatever the position or the identity, whether he is a king or some President, a business man or a beggar, we all have same mental disposition. Happiness that we derive from money and material goods are of temporary nature, we should seek for a lasting happiness which is comes from our inner value. This ultimate source of happiness based on satisfaction and inner value is the basis for a happy life. This promotion of inner value is of utmost importance in order to be happy.”

The work the Dalai Lama with The Mind-Life Institute is amazing. And his connection to Emory University via multiple channels such as the Emory-Tibet Partnership provides opportunities to better understand the importance of compassion in our world. Looking at the intersection of Buddhism and science is at the forefront of this relationship.

Emory’s web says, “By accepting this invitation, Emory has embarked on an historic initiative to expand the horizons of knowledge for Tibetan monks and nuns. The vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not only to give Tibetan monastics new tools for understanding the world, but also to give those monastics tools to contribute to the effort of translating time-tested Buddhist contemplative knowledge in a practical way that can help relieve suffering around the world.”

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